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Helping Bees in Bedford

Helping bees in Bedford

What a difference a little TLC makes!

Helping bees in Bedford

Bedford's volunteer gardeners are making a big difference with the Green Party  councillor's ward funds.

This small space is made more attractive to residents (and helping bees in Bedford) with the planting of pollinator-friendly flowers at the corner of Commercial Street and River Street.

And it should deter unsociable fly tipping and littering (and motorists who cheekily use it to park for free!).

We will share photos of the flowers in full bloom with you in the summer.

By the way, helping bees is one of the easy things you can do that makes a big positive impact on the environment. And it's great for getting kids involved early with 'green' activities! You can find out more about why bees are important and how you can help them from the Woodland Trust.