Get Involved
Next meeting
We hold executive meetings once per quarter, using Zoom. Members are invited to observe the executive meetings. Please send your request to the membership secretary. Local, more informal meetings are usually held once per month. These are publicised on this website and social media sites.
For more information, please contact our Membership Secretary
Our Area
Luton & Bedfordshire Green Party covers Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. We cover the 6 Parliamentary Constituencies of Bedford, Luton North, Luton South, North East Bedfordshire, Mid Bedfordshire and South West Bedfordshire.
We campaign on local, national and international issues and look to stand candidates in local and general elections.
Join the Green Party
As a member, you can be as active as you like – from armchair and online support to standing as a candidate for election. For more information, please contact Dominic Schoflield (Membership Secretary) by email.
Students: Join the Green Party for just £5 a year!
Even if you don’t want to make the commitment of joining us, we always welcome supporters and volunteers. Volunteers can help with our campaigning work. Could you help deliver leaflets to your street, or go out with our campaign team and speak to local residents about their concerns?
Do you have fundraising experience or web design, press, research and administrative skills? Whatever your level of experience and however much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you.
Please fill in the form above if you would like to help. Thank You.
See details on our Donate page
Stand for Council
We have members with local council experience and we have three Green Party councillors on Bedford Borough Council and 1 on Central Bedfordshire Council at present.
We need lots of enthusiastic, committed and hard-working candidates. We are particularly keen to ensure diversity amongst our candidates.
Candidates must be paid-up members of the Green Party and support its main aims and policies.
Regional Information
Eastern Green Party Facebook (private)
Eastern Green Party Activists Group (private)