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Green Party support across the South Beds villages…

“I have been delighted to meet people who have already voted Green – or are going to do so,” says Edward Carpenter, the Green Party candidate for the constituency of Luton South and South Bedfordshire.  Edward has been busy canvassing in Luton and surrounding villages includingCaddington and Slip End.  “These voters recognise that truly fundamental […]

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Edward Carpenter: Why I felt I had to join the Green Party…

I was brought up in a Conservative-voting household and myself have been active in Conservative Party local associations.  When I first started seriously engaging with the Conservatives however, their logo was a Green Tree and David Cameron spoke of an inspiring vision of a “Big Society”.  These ideas really appealed to me. However, under Boris Johnson […]

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Edward Carpenter stands as Green Party candidate for Luton South and South Bedfordshire

Edward Carpenter will stand as The Green Party candidate for the Luton South and South Bedfordshire constituency. On the appointment, Edward said: ‘I am honoured to have been chosen as The Green Party’s candidate for Luton South and South Bedfordshire. ‘It’s well known that The Green Party stands up for the environment. ‘But what people […]

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Council backs Green Party Motion supporting renters in cold, damp homes

At the Bedford Borough Council meeting on Wednesday, a Green Party motion highlighting unaffordable energy bills and cold, damp homes for private tenants was passed with cross party support. It called for pressure on the Government to restore the recently-scrapped requirement for landlords to ensure their properties’ Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)  have a minimum ‘C’ […]

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Cade Sibley Mid Bedfordshire Parliamentary Candidate

Luton and Bedfordshire Green Party Executive Committee are proud to announce Cade Sibley as the Green Party candidate for Mid Bedfordshire. Cade joined the Green Party in 2021. The Party is delighted that as a fairly new member  Cade was willing to jump in at the deep end and put himself forward for this role. […]

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Central Bedfordshire Green Party Election Candidates

Central Bedfordshire Green Party would like to present the members and friends standing at the local elections for us on the 4 May. Maybe May the Forth will be with us this year. Susan has lived in Ampthill for 17 years and has served as an Ampthill Town Councillor since 2019. She is a founder […]

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Bedford Green Party Election Candidates

Bedford Green Party would like to present the members and friends standing at the local elections for us on the 4 May. Maybe May the Forth will be with us this year. Adrian has been talking to residents of Biddenham for over a year now and been chasing the Council,developers, bus companies and health commissioners […]

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Adrian Spurrell elected as Bedford Mayoral Candidate

Adrian Spurrell Canvassing in Biddenham in the snow

Adrian Spurrell has been elected to represent Bedford Green Party at the Bedford Borough Council mayoral elections for the second time. He is so dedicated to the Green Party winning in public elections that he even goes out canvessing in the snow (as shown in the main picture). Adrian Spurrell canvassing in Biddenham in the […]

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 Bedford Borough Council – Fair Tax

GREEN COUNCILLORS HELP BEDFORD BECOME ‘FAIR TAX’ COUNCIL IN THE UK In October Bedford Borough Council joined 33 other local authorities across the UK, including Peterborough and Norwich in the East of England in becoming a Fair Tax Council. The Councils for Fair Tax Declaration commits cities, towns and districts to do the right thing […]

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