Cllr Lucy Bywater
Castle & Newnham – Bedford
Lucy Bywater was first elected a Green councillor in 2019, in Castle ward. With ward boundary changes, and since success at local elections in May 2023, she now represents Castle & Newnham ward, together with fellow Green councillor, Paul Edmonds.
Lucy has long been known locally for her involvement in community activities such as running the community herb garden on Rothsay roundabout, organising and joining many litter picks across the town; actively promoting a car club to ease parking congestion; campaigning on air quality and road safety and pressing for better cycling and walking infrastructure.
Lucy takes pride in being an active and accessible councillor, ready to help local residents. She is an independent voice working constructively in the best interests of residents and will challenge the council when it falls short. Issues relating to local health, wellbeing, inequalities and climate are very important to her in her daily work as a councillor.
Lucy is a governor at Castle Newnham School and takes a particular interest in looked after children, sitting on the Council’s Corporate Parenting Panel. She also sits on Licensing, Audit and Standards Committees, as well as the Climate Change Committee.

Cllr Paul Edmonds
Castle & Newnham- Bedford
Paul Edmonds was elected in 2023 to represent Castle and Newnham ward alongside fellow Green councillor, Lucy Bywater with Ben Foley moving to represent the newly established Greyfriars ward.
Following on from a career in business, Paul sought to give back to the community by helping to feed the homeless in Bedford with the local Sikh community for almost 9 years. Inspired by his work with the Sikh ‘Langar Seva’ he welcomes the opportunity to help those needing representation to the council in the hope of improving their lives.
Paul has enjoyed getting things done for residents who have presented him with challenges, contacting the council and getting resolutions to their problems.
A father of three young children himself, Paul sits on the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as well as the Corporate Parenting Panel and Educational Transport Appeals Panel.

Cllr Ben Foley
Greyfriars – Bedford
Ben Foley has been a Green councillor in Bedford since 2019, and is convenor of the group of Green Councillors on Bedford Borough Council.
Ben first represented Castle ward then (after boundary changes split the ward) was re-elected to represent the part that is now Greyfriars Ward.
Ben is known by residents as a fierce advocate for their interests. Ben is a Governor at Priory Primary School, and had two children who progressed through Bedford’s state school system, and on to success at prestigious universities.
Ben is a passionate advocate for equality, always anxious to stick up for marginalised people, whether in their dealings with the council, in national policy, or through employment with a small national Disability equity charity.
Ben has lived near Bedford rail station for 25 years, and has a particular interest in issues to do with the railway, having been a long-term campaigner for Bedford’s rail users.

Cllr Susan Clinch
Ampthill – Central Bedfordshire
Susan is Central Beds ward councillor representing Ampthill, Clophill, Maulden and Flitwick and has been an Ampthill Town councillor for 5 years. Susan has also served as Mayor of Ampthill in 2022-23.
Her main concerns are fighting for livable communities where road safety and active travel infrastructure mean residents can make their best choices about how to get around, and protecting and re-establishing our rich natural heritage.
Susan is involved in Ampthill Climate Change Group, Share Flitwick and Ampthill which runs a Library of Things and Repair Cafe, Greensand Community Energy which promotes renewable energy and energy efficiency and Proud Ampthill and Flitwick which supports the LGBTQ+ community locally.