Luton Green Party Banner with the World and petals logo

Welcome to Luton Green Party

On 4th July the Country will be holding a General Election. In Luton there is an urgent need for a Green Government and Green Party solutions.

Together with the Luton Green Party is fighting for:

Improved social justice at home and overseas,

More warm, safe and affordable homes,

High skilled, well paid, green jobs,

Better local transport and no airport expansion.

Luton Green Party Association

The Luton Green Party is involved in community life; bringing local people together who have shared concerns about the future. We are helping drive forward sustainable activity, standing up for social justice and simply offering hope.

This is the webpage for the Luton Green Party (we are part of the larger Luton and Bedfordshire association).

We are a tightknit group of committed individuals. We meet monthly and are passionate about taking positive action to save our planet.

Support our General Election Crowdfunder

Campaigns cost money; even to stand as a candidate let alone the cost of leaflet and other campaign materials. Please watch this 2 minutes video from Edward and consider whether you would like to donate.

Join us!

If you are disappointed with local and national politics as well as worried about the future, then joining the Luton Green Party can be a great way of actually doing something positive about it – turning anxiety and concern into fulfilment and achievement.

We would love to hear from you if you’d like to get involved. Contact information is available here

You can find out more about the national party and our policies here

Sign up to Luton Green Party

(Click on the image please) Thumbnail photo of the Luton sign up form