Your local Green Party for all of Luton, Bedford and Central Bedfordshire
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- Luton Green Party Press Release: Save Vauxhall Luton – Protect Jobs, Communities, and the Green Economyby edwardPress Release: The Luton Green Party is deeply concerned by the announcement of the planned closure of Vauxhall’s Luton plant. The highly skilled Luton workforce was due to begin production of an electric van in January 2025, representing a critical step in the transition to a greener economy. The closure would devastate not only the… Read more: Luton Green Party Press Release: Save Vauxhall Luton – Protect Jobs, Communities, and the Green Economy
- Green Party support across the South Beds villages…by edward“I have been delighted to meet people who have already voted Green – or are going to do so,” says Edward Carpenter, the Green Party candidate for the constituency of Luton South and South Bedfordshire. Edward has been busy canvassing in Luton and surrounding villages includingCaddington and Slip End. “These voters recognise that truly fundamental… Read more: Green Party support across the South Beds villages…
- Edward Carpenter: Why I felt I had to join the Green Party…by edwardI was brought up in a Conservative-voting household and myself have been active in Conservative Party local associations. When I first started seriously engaging with the Conservatives however, their logo was a Green Tree and David Cameron spoke of an inspiring vision of a “Big Society”. These ideas really appealed to me. However, under Boris Johnson… Read more: Edward Carpenter: Why I felt I had to join the Green Party…
- Edward Carpenter stands as Green Party candidate for Luton South and South Bedfordshireby sebe
- Council backs Green Party Motion supporting renters in cold, damp homesby Green Party Admin
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