Bedford Green Party would like to present the members and friends standing at the local elections for us on the 4 May. Maybe May the Forth will be with us this year.

Adrian has been talking to residents of Biddenham for over a year now and been chasing the Council,developers, bus companies and health commissioners about the issues they have raised. He runs his business and is a trustee of a number of charities.
If you want to know more – please check out his facebook page:

Brickhill Ward Candidate Statement TBC

Kathryn has lived in Bromham almost all her life and has strong ties to the community.
With her many years of local knowledge, she would work hard to improve amenities and to support Bromham’s residents, businesses and community groups in a considerate and environmentally conscious way.
Her priorities include better access to recycling, protecting and promoting Bromham’s conservation areas, improved public transport links and facilitating sustainability for all of the community.

Castle & Newnham Candidate Statement TBC

Castle & Newnham Candidate Statement TBC

Cauldwell Candidate Statement TBC

Clapham & Oakley Statement TBC

De’Parys Candidate Statement TBC

Philippa is passionate about restoring biodiversity and mitigating climate change through the use of growing the most useful plant on the planet HEMP.
She is co-coordinator of the Green Party Food and Agriculture Policy working Group and is currently in the process of setting up a sub committee of people that are wanting to help write policy from a multi group perspective on the subject of Hemp and it’s many uses.
Philippa is also passionate about disability not least because she has multiple disabilities but because this country treats us like we should be brushed under the carpet Philippa will shout from the rooftops, help to formulate policy and connect disabled people together not least because of the isolation that we so often face.

Great Barford Candidate Statement TBC

Great Denham Candidate Statement TBC

Greyfriars Candidate Statement TBC

Harpur Candidate Statement TBC

Harpur Candidate Statement TBC

Harrold Candidate Statement TBC

Kempston Central & East Candidate Statement TBC

Kempston North Candidate Statement TBC

Kempston South Candidate Statement TBC

Kempston West Candidate Statement TBC

Kingsbrook Candidate Statement TBC

Jenny has been a member of Bedford Green Party for a number of years and is passionate about the power of community, and believes that a flourishing local community is the key to improving our lives, our home and minimising our impact on the planet.
She is committed to working with local people to ensure we all feel safe and proud of our local environment.
If we all made small differences locally we would make a huge impact globally.

Queens Park Candidate Statement

Dr Joanne Hill has lived in Thurleigh with her family for 9 years.
She educates for social justice and equality at the University of Bedfordshire.
Her priorities are community, biodiversity, and supporting everyone, especially young people, to have a connection to nature.

Daniel has lived in Riverfield for 10 years. His three children all go to local schools.
Daniel is the founder and managing director of, a company with a mission to save the trees by reducing the use of paper.
Daniel is from Poland but has made England his home for the past 20 years, and believes that the Green Party needs to have a bigger voice in Bedford council – to protect local environment, reduce energy use and improve community well-being.

Richard has lived in Bedford for 34 years. His four grown-up daughters all went to local state schools.
Richard works as a Human Resources Consultant and has been a member of the Green Party since 2015.
Richard believes that only the Green Party has the right policies for people and planet.