NHS Birthday Protest in Bedford

Join the NHS Birthday Protest in Bedford

The Bedford Green Party is supporting Hands off Bedford Hospital in a cross-party, NHS Birthday Protest in Bedford outside Bedford Hospital South Wing. Supporting the national #NHSPay15 campaign and against NHS privatisation, which has accelerated through the COVID19 crisis.

Why are we protesting?

We are joining the national campaign to demand fair pay and an end to privatisation. Our NHS is 73 on 5th July 2021: we want to see her reach 100 and beyond. BUT the NHS needs to be properly staffed and funded so it can deliver the comprehensive, high-quality care it was designed to do. It was NOT intended to be a run down safety net system that people are forced to use when they can’t afford private care, but that is exactly what it is becoming under the Conservatives. See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31435842 for why campaigners are concerned.


The NHS Birthday Protest in Bedford will be held outside Bedford Hospital at the entrance on Kempston Road. If you can’t make it, give us a toot if you pass!

map of bedford hospital south wing marked with protest location
Protest location marked with a cross


10am, 3rd July 2021

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