Gareth Ellis
Enquirer Contact and Nominating Officer (Central Bedfordshire)
Gareth has been a member of the Green party since 2007 and has been a long term member of the executive committee serving as enquirer/membership contact and nominating officer for quite sometime. Gareth is passionate about campaigning for the environment and is very sensitive to members requirements.

Cllr Lucy Bywater
Councillor Bedford Borough Council, Press and Campaigns Officer.
Lucy was elected as a Green Party councillor Castle ward in May 2019 after many years of campaigning on local issues including air pollution and climate change and running community events such as film screenings, talks and organising litter picks. She was also instrumental in lobbying the Council to declare a Climate Emergency in March 2019. Social justice and health inequalities are a large part of her focus. She sits on the following Bedford Borough Council committees: Health Overview and Scrutiny Climate Change General Licensing Corporate Parenting And she is a local authority governor for Castle Newnham School. Outside her Council work she is also Chair of the non-party political Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum and a school governer.

Cllr Ben Foley
Councillor Bedford Borough Council, Equalities Coordinator, (Job Share) Deputy Internal Returning Officer and Coordinator (Luton)
Ben works tirelessly for both the Castle Ward community and the Green Party working at the local and regional level. Ben designs the ward leaflets and then delivers a good quantity of them often very late at night. The local party would truly be lost without him.

Edward Carpenter
Coordinator Luton Green Party
Edward recently joined the Green Party after becoming increasingly concerned about the lack action to protect our climate and our environment.
Following a career in the Royal Navy, Edward moved into social housing where he has principally focussed on enabling providers to maximise their performance, resilience and legal complience as well as deliver good governance.
He led a community wealth programme in Rochdale for several years before moving to Luton where he has successfully developed his knowledge in sustainability and in particular using the best available methods to decarbonise UK homes and deliver a just transition to a climate resilient net zero future.

Richard Baker
Internal Returning Officer, Nominating Officer (Bedford)
Richard does a great job when it comes to election time both interrnally and externally. At the local elections Richard coordinated the Castle ward election day campaign. Richard must have been ecstatic when the results of the 2019 election came through and knowing that his hard work had paid off.

Colin Hall
Nominating Officer (Luton)
I have been a member of the Green Party since around 2010. I am now serving as Nominating Officer and Agent in both of the Luton constituencies. The Green Party is the only party seriously trying to address the huge crises facing our people and our planet.

Catherine Aganoglu
Coordinator (Central Bedfordshire), Secretary (Luton & Bedfordshire), Equalities Coordinator (Job Share),
I have lived in Houghton Regis since 2009 and have always been concerned about the environment, sustainability, and social justice, and joined the Green Party in 2013 at a street stall petition to nationalise the railways. I have stood as a paper candidate in local elections in Dunstable and Houghton Regis. In March 2021 I retired from a career in social work and now have time to be involved local campaigns.

Dominic Scholfield
Membership Secretary (Luton & Bedfordshire)
Dominic is a passionate campaigner and green entrepreneur, as well as being a local resident and father of three. Since studying for an environmental science degree he has worked as a sustainability campaigner, founded a community bike recycling workshop, and run his own consultancy advising local authorities, government and business on how to cut emissions from transport.

Adrian Spurrell
Coordinator (Bedford), Groups Support Officer (job share), and Treasurer (Luton & Bedfordshire)
Adrian believes politics in the UK has been moribund for years, fixated on economics not social and environmental wellbeing and ignoring the very real challenges we are facing. Challenges whose impact are being felt through indicators such as growing mental health issues, a struggling health system and the lack of a truly representative voting system.
He runs his own leadership and organisation development consultancy, lives in Kempston and is single with four grown up children and much to his own amazement four grandchildren.