Luton COP26 Protest 6 Nov 2021

Lyn Bliss one of Luton and Bedfordshire Green Party’s most treasured member activists helped to gather other Green Party members to protest at the the COP26 Protest in Luton on Saturday 6 Novermber 2021.

She is joined by Colin Hall (BCCF) and Mike Oliver pictured below and both members of Luton Green Party.  All delivered a speech at this event.

Mike Oliver

Mike Oliver Green Party member speaking at Luton COP26 Protest

Colin Hall

Colin Hall Luton member speaking at Luton COP26 Protest Lyn says:- We had a brilliant protest about COP26 in Luton town centre yesterday, supported by Luton Green Party. Protesters of all ages and many cultures, listened to an array of good speakers, 3 from the Green Party. Others included Sara Owen MP Contact details, Luton Palestine Solidarity Campaign Facebook, Luton Sixth Form college students Website, and youngsters from the Woodcraft Folk. Accompanied by a samba band they walked down George Street, stopping for a short die in (a die in is a form of protest by laying down on the ground and playing dead to highlight that the burning of fossil fuel is killing life on earth) outside both HSBC and Barclays banks as both continue to fund fossil fuel projects. Ejel Khan at Luton COP26 Protest

Ejel Khan

Luton Green Party member activist Ejel  spoke about reducing globaling warming by 1.5C, developing nations transferring to renewable energy sources.

Educating ourselves on issues pertaining to the climate crisis. And how we in Britain are affected by global warming and what we can do to reduce emissions. I urged diverse communities to engage with environmental issues.

Barclay’s Die In

Luton COP26 Protest die in outside Barclay's Bank

Speaker’s Corner

Luton COP26 Protest Group Photo

Climate Justice Protesters

Luton COP26 Protest Group photo

Climate Justice Protesters

Luton COP26 Protest Group Photo
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